November 2016
Many years ago Dr. Alex Bene, Dr. Jack Scott and Dr. Dale Pittman set the bar very high such that we could tend the needs of a very select group; and that would indeed be you. On behalf of Bene and Scott I thank you for your a) loyalty, b) resiliency and c) sense of humor.
As promised, we have delivered the College Plaza Dental “Community” to the more than capable sure hands of Dr. Kelly Bordian. With 15 years experience and the excellent academic background earned at Case Western Reserve University you will remain in excellent dental health.
Our absolute top shelf dental hygiene program remains intact for you. Thus with a new skill set, new materials and a few new staff the future looks bright. Please stay the course as you always have.
Personally, decades ago, I recall Lou Gehrig, suffering with A.L.S., speaking to the throng at Yankee Stadium in N.Y.C. declaring himself to be “The luckiest man alive” thus far, he was correct, then along came the new titleholder.
A perfect storm of parents, wife, children, friends, business partners and patients pole vaulted me light years past Mr. Gehrig.
Lord knows, I owe it all to all of you and thank you beyond our limits of emotion.
Stay so strong and don’t eat sugar says Dale L. Pittman
*A party, Pittman style, will be held when the ice is gone. Watch our website at for details.*