One cannot take dental emergencies lightly. In fact, some of the dental emergencies can cause serious problems and lead to permanent damage to your oral health. So, if you ever happen to face any dental emergencies, then you should know how to handle them until you visit a dentist. Here’s a look at some common dental injuries one may face and tips on handling dental emergencies.

Swelling of Face

This is a serious dental condition which needs to be shown to the dentist immediately. This condition does not get better on its own. Swelling of the face could be due to an infected tooth or gum diseases. For preventing further complications, you need to stay upright and not lie flat while sleeping to avoid any pressure on the face and reduce the pain. In such cases, it is strongly recommended that you see a dentist immediately because delaying it may lead to more complications and, in extreme cases, death due to the infection.

Objects Caught Between Teeth

Sometimes while eating food, some hard food particles tend to get stuck between the teeth and the gum fold. At times, it can cause severe pain. Try using a dental floss to dislodge these particles. Do not use any sharp objects which may chip your tooth or may lead to gum bleeding.

Broken Jaw

A broken jaw can be caused while playing sports. In such a situation, the pain is usually felt on the face which leads to swelling and bruising. If the blow is severe, your upper and lower teeth can be misaligned.

To reduce the pain and swelling, apply an ice pack. Also, to restrict any movement, use a bandage and strap the jaw to the top of the head. A broken or dislocated jaw may cause bleeding problems too and it is important that you visit your dentist immediately.

Broken, Dislodged or Chipped Tooth

If you have chipped your tooth, you should immediately rinse your mouth. In the case of bleeding, apply a piece of gauge and hold it until the bleeding stops. For a knocked out tooth, do not try to put it back into the socket, instead, soak it in milk and see your dentist immediately as knocked out teeth which are seen by dentists within a short time have the highest chances of being put back.

A partly dislodged tooth will cause you inconvenience in your mouth but it should not be pulled out or extracted from your socket. Apply an ice pack if the pain increases until your dentist looks into what further action needs to be taken.

Broken Braces and Wires

Broken braces or wires will cause discomfort and should be fixed as soon as possible. They can cause multiple bruises and cuts which may lead to bleeding in the mouth. While you are on your way to the dentist, try using an eraser to push the wire back inside into a suitable position. If you cannot reposition the wire try using orthodontic wax, a small cotton ball, or a piece of gauge. Do not cut the wires as you may end up swallowing some pieces that can cause breathing problems and internal bleeding.

Handling dental emergencies can be tricky and you would need to take quick actions before you get a professional treatment. If you ever face a dental emergency, follow the above-mentioned precautionary measures to avoid further injuries and visit a dentist to get relieved of your pain as soon as possible.


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