Pediatric Dentistry

Going For A Root Canal: Here’s What You Need To Know

The most beautiful thing that you can possibly wear is your smile. Sometimes, beautiful smiles get dainted with issues like tooth decay, infection, and tooth loss. Fortunately, there are restorative dentistry procedures like root canal to help you save your pretty smile.

If you’ve been recommended a root canal, then chances are you must be facing anxiety and will have several questions running in your head. If you are hesitating to go for a root canal treatment, don’t. Advanced technology has made the procedure painless. In this article, we aim to address most of your questions and concerns about the root canal treatment.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A ‘root canal’ is a part of your tooth. It is the section of your tooth where the blood vessels and tissues reside. The pulp or the nerve tissues and blood vessels can get infected due to cavity build up and decay in your teeth. If the infection is not treated within time, it can affect the jawbone to which the roots of the tooth are attached. This may further cause damage to surrounding teeth and also to gums. Root canal, as the name suggests, is an endodontic procedure where the root canal and the pulp is disinfected to save the tooth from further decay.

How is a Root Canal Performed?

  • The first steps is to take an x-ray to examine the depth of the infection. This helps decide the best course of action to save the tooth.

  • On the day of your root canal appointment, local anesthesia is injected to numb the area to be treated. This is done to make the procedure painless for you.

  • Once the area around the infected tooth is numb, a small access hole is made to remove the infected pulp and disinfect the tooth.

  • Using some solutions, the area is irrigated to decontaminate it

  • Once the cleaning is done, the hole is sealed with the cement to avoid further infection.

Since the pulp is removed the tooth gets no nourishment. It becomes brittle, and thus, must be protected. A crown or filling is used to protect the tooth and restore the normal teeth functioning. Crown or filling may be placed right after the tooth is sealed or some days later depending on the condition.

What to Expect After the Procedure?

Usually, after the treatment, your tooth gets back to normal within a day. However, you may experience sensitivity. Fear not, this is normal. Care tips will be provided to ensure no damage is done to your teeth. Eating soft foods and maintaining good oral hygiene are highly recommended after the root canal. If you experience persistent pain and discomfort, you should consult a dentist to help you out.

As you can see root canal treats and saves your natural tooth, which you could otherwise lose to severe decay. Restorative dentistry procedures like root canal help preserve your smile. If any doubts still persists, you can consult us at College Plaza Dental, and we’ll be happy to help.


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