A pearly white smile and fresh breath are the rewards of good oral health. Good oral hygiene is vital to achieve and retain these benefits. Poor dental health leads to several oral problems like gum diseases, cavities, tooth decay, bone loss, stained teeth, and more. This not only ruins your appearance but also causes further health issues, including stroke and heart diseases. While regular dental visits and cleanings help avoid these, you can do a list of things at your end to prevent damage to your oral health. Implemented religiously, the below-mentioned tips can help you promote good oral health.
Brush and Floss Religiously
Good oral hygiene starts with regular brushing and flossing. It is recommended to brush twice and floss once daily. This helps remove trapped food particles and reduce the risk of cavities. Make sure to use the right type of brush and brushing technique. It is best to gently brush your teeth for at least two minutes with a soft bristled toothbrush. The gentle motion and the soft bristles prevent the protective tooth enamel from scraping. Also, remember to not overdo brushing for more than twice a day, as it may scrape of the tooth enamel and weaken your teeth.
Use a Mouthwash
Oral hygiene is not restricted to your teeth and gums, but covers your entire mouth. Brushing and flossing may not completely clean the tricky corners of your mouth. Which is why, you must use a mouthwash to eliminate bacteria from your mouth. Ask the dentist for a prescription or use a fluoridated or therapeutic mouthwash for best results.
Clean your Tongue
Don’t forget to clean your tongue. Your tongue is a host to a huge amount of bacteria that may lead to cavities. Using a tongue cleaner to clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth shall take care of the problem.
Eat Healthy
Frequent snacking on unhealthy foods and high sugar consumption leads to tooth decay and gum diseases. Food and beverages like sweets, desserts, coffee, soda, alcohol, and wine can all decay your teeth. Your teeth need calcium and vitamin rich foods to survive long. Include dairy products and foods rich in calcium, vitamin D and B, iron, and potassium in your diet. Milk, cheese, broccoli, spinach, and yogurt are all good options for good oral health.
Skip Tobacco
Tobacco is the major culprit behind several dental and other health problems. Tobacco intake damages your teeth by staining and decaying them. It also leads to gum disease, oral cancer, heart disease, and other health problems. Furthermore, candies and coffee used to mask the smell of tobacco doubles the damage caused. Skipping tobacco would be a big favor to your dental and overall health.
Rid yourself of Bad Oral Habits
Your teeth are meant for chewing food – not for biting nails, opening bottle tops, or ripping open packages. These habits can chip or break your teeth leading to severe dental problems. Grinding and clenching your teeth also corrodes your tooth enamel and exposes it to damage. If you are used to any such habits, consult a dentist to help you deal with them.
Implementing all these tips through the course of your life can help you achieve and maintain good oral health. Apart from these, it is recommended to go for regular dental checkups. Consulting a dentist twice a year helps in early preventing dental problems and improving your oral health.