Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars which emerge during the age between 15 – 25. As these teeth are the last to appear, these are taken as signs of maturity and hence called wisdom teeth.
Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure wherein the dentist or oral surgeon removes your wisdom teeth. You should go for the wisdom tooth extraction only if it is posing genuine problems for you. You must visit a dental clinic to get your teeth examined. Get a dentist’s advice prior to removing your wisdom teeth. Don’t just sign up for the wisdom teeth extraction as a rite of passage. Your life can certainly have a better script for a coming of age story.
Dentists’ generally put you to sleep during the procedure as wisdom teeth removal can be an excruciating procedure otherwise. Our evolution facilitated the enlargement of our brains. Our jaws got small and constricted to accommodate the increase in brain size. That is the reason there is less space for the wisdom teeth to grow. As a result of that, 9 out 10 wisdom teeth get impacted. The extraction of such tight fit teeth generally causes some collateral damage. It is quite common for dentists to remove the surrounding bone or gum tissue as well. The procedure would feel like torture if accomplished consciously on you. Nowadays, dentists’ have multiple substances and processes to sedate you and thus save you from the pain.
The combination of local and general anesthesia can put you to sleep during the wisdom teeth removal procedure. If used in larger doses, you might lose consciousness. You might not have any memory of the procedure due to the unconsciousness.
Laughing Gas
Laughing gas or nitrous oxide (NO), if used in the right proportion, can make you euphoric. You, however, may suffer from mild hallucinations in case there is an increase in the volume of the laughing gas used in the procedure.
Sedation by Oral Medication
The dental clinic provides the oral medication (Halcion) would make you drowsy during the surgery. Any increase in the quantity of the medication at the discretion of your dentist then will easily make you fall asleep. An anti-anxiety pill is also provided just before the procedure.
IV Sedation
Intravenous, or IV sedation in short, is applied directly to the bloodstream of the patient. These sedatives sedate the patient swiftly in comparison to other methods due to direct administration into the bloodstream. It is generally administered along with local anesthesia, which subdues the pain.
If you live in or around Edmonton and do seek an excellent dental clinic to remove your wisdom teeth, then get in touch with College Plaza Dental. Our experienced team of dentists in Edmonton will ensure smooth extraction of your wisdom teeth.