Are you missing a tooth or two? Has it been difficult for you to eat because of these missing teeth? Then perhaps you should consider getting dentures. Also known as false teeth, dentures live up to its time by taking the place of the teeth you have lost. They function like your natural teeth, although a bit more sensitive and fragile. Unlike tooth implants, dentures are worn to replace teeth and may be removed at any given time.
These artificial teeth can be made from various materials. The most popular ones are made from acrylic. They are best designed to look and feel like your natural teeth. The base of the denture can be made from acrylic resin or metal. It depends on which one you are more comfortable with. Your dentist may also provide recommendations on which base material to use for your dentures. The goal is to make wearing it with utmost comfort.
Dentures are designed so that they can be taken out and put back into the mouth whenever the patient wishes to. They can also either be full dentures or partial ones, depending on how much teeth need to be replaced. Luckily, the advancements in dental technology have made dentures look and feel more like natural teeth. Also, they have become more comfortable than ever. In fact, wearing dentures come with tooth and materials that allows it to stay in place when you want to for a specified period.
But how do you know that it is time for dentures? Whether it is due to injury, old age or some dental disease, dentures are for patients to want to have their natural teeth back in the most convenient way possible. Dentures can bring back that beautiful smile. Not only is it the most natural-looking solution to your missing teeth, but dentures also come with its benefits on your overall health, including your self-confidence.
Did you know that missing teeth can lead to the drooping of facial muscles? It can be unsightly, not to mention that it could make any person look older than their real age. With the help of dentures, you can smile and speak better. You can even enjoy your favorite foods and beverages as if you still have all your natural teeth intact.
Are you wondering if dentures can make you look and feel your best? It definitely can. Ask your dentist about it today and find out if it is a viable option for your dental condition.