A root canal treatment is recommended at the time when bacteria damages the pulp (nerves) of the tooth. The procedure is used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed. While there are several advantages of getting root canal, the question is- when do you need a root canal? The best way to confirm whether or not you need a root canal treatment is by visiting a dentist. The dentist takes x-rays and evaluates your teeth and gums for any issues. Depending on the results, they may recommend a root canal. While visiting a dentist is a necessary step to analyze whether or not you need a root canal, there are several root canal symptoms that may also signify the need for the treatment.
When a tooth is infected, you may experience a sudden onset of extreme pain. When bacteria reaches the inner parts of your tooth, the pulp inside your tooth gets infected and inflamed, which may lead to severe tooth pain. Pain doesn’t always mean that patient needs a root canal treatment. But, when the pain is persistent, then it may be an indication that you need a root canal. It is best to consult a dentist to confirm the reason for your tooth pain.
When swelling emerges with tooth pain, it can indicate the necessity of a root canal treatment. In some cases, swelling can even expand to the face or neck. Root canal is usually needed:
- When the gum is swollen in front of the root tip
- When there is a gum boil on the root tip
- When the gum swelling lasts for days
- When you suffer a bad breath, as a result of the pus coming from the root canal
- When you feel that the tooth is taller than the neighbouring teeth
Tooth Sensitivity
It is likely that you will experience prolonged and intense sensitivity to hot and cold foods if you have an infected or badly decayed tooth. When your tooth enamel is eroded due to infection, it exposes the nerves of your tooth to external environment. This can cause sensitivity. Beverages like hot coffee or cold soda can cause discomfort to your tooth. If you have been experiencing prolonged sensitivity, then consult a dentist immediately.
So, here were some root canal symptoms that need immediate attention, else you may even lose your tooth. Request an appointment in case you believe your dental condition must be thoroughly examined by a professional dental clinic.