Dental implants are primarily used to replace your missing teeth. Whether you have a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, dental implants are a preferred option. Dental implants are titanium post that are placed in the jawbone over which a dental crown is placed to replace the missing tooth. Let us take a look at some of the top reasons to choose dental implants:
1) They are Similar to a Natural Tooth
Dental implants are small titanium posts or frames that have the unique ability to fuse into your bone. Thus, it provides solid support to the replacement tooth, as is the case with your natural teeth. Your implant supported replacement tooth will feel natural once your dental implants completely adjust. Considering this nature of dental implants, they make eating and speaking easier. You can smile with complete confidence as you do not have to worry about loose or broken replacement tooth.
2) They Prevents Bone Loss
When you lose a tooth, the bone beneath it begins to resorb or melt away. This can result in a prematurely aged appearance and leave your jaw vulnerable to issues if left untreated. Dental implants prevent bone loss as it fuses into your jawbone and provides the bone with the requisite stimulation. No other tooth replacement method offers this advantage.
3) They are Easy to Care for
You need not take extra care for your dental implant. Caring for dental implants is no different than caring for your natural teeth. You can brush and floss as you do and follow your regular oral care routine. You need not apply special creams or adhesives on your implants, as you would with dentures. Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups help you maintain good oral health and ensure proper functioning of your dental implants.
These are some of the reasons to choose dental implants. It preserves your jawbone, improves the functioning of your mouth, and also enhances psychological well being, which might have been affected due to tooth loss. Visit us at College Plaza Dental to know more about dental implants.