According to The Journal of the Canadian Dental Association reports, 11% to 22% of patients experience extreme dental anxiety and dental phobia. Dental phobia among people is quite common. Many other people also undergo some degree of uneasiness while having to visit a dentist. It can be unsettling for you to have someone explore your mouth, gums, and teeth.
We get it. At College Plaza Dental, in Edmonton, Canada; we deal with dental phobia every day. We know its a legitimate concern. That is why we have put together some points to help you overcome your dental phobia. Start with these steps:
Figure out the Reason
You have been avoiding the dentist for years or maybe recently begun to feel uncomfortable. It could be one of the reasons listed below:
Bad experience as a child
Pre-existing anxiety disorder
Poor self-esteem about dental issues
Ashamed of bad teeth
Dental Costs
Ask Yourself
You need to ask yourself if you feel nervous and anxious about going to the dentist, you can probably overcome on your own. But if a more profound issue such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) causes your phobia, you may need professional assistance.
Commit to Overcome Your Fear
Once you have figured out the reason and made up your mind to overcome this fear, you are ready to prepare yourself to overcome it mentally. Commit to the decision to overcome your dental phobia.
Bring Someone Along with You
Some of the adults prefer going alone to the dentist appointment. If you have a dental phobia, bring along a family member or a friend who understands your fears. They can help you to stay calm and encourage you during your appointment. Just knowing someone is nearby can help you comfort yourself.
Be Upfront with Your Dentist
We know people can be scared to visit the dentist. We won’t judge you or dismiss your fears. Talk to your dentist about your dental phobia. The dentists will help you relax. When your dentist knows your fears, they make sure to consider those fears during the appointment.
Consider Changing the Dentist
If you don’t feel comfortable with the present dentist, consider changing the dentist. It’s ok to look for a dental clinic where you won’t feel that anxious. Ask someone you know to recommend you a new dentist if you are finding it difficult to find a suitable one.
If you’re trying to overcome your fear of dentists because you are simply scared of the pain, chat with your dentist about it. There would be several pain management options that your dentist can help you with. Talking about your fears can help the dentist to understand your fears and know where your anxiety is coming from. Visit your nearby dentist to conquer your dental phobia. Make an appointment to talk about your dental phobia, and we’ll help you overcome your fears.