Cosmetic composite bonding is among the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dental procedures. Cosmetic bonding is used to improve the appearance of a chipped or discolored teeth. The application of the composite resin is used in the process of bonding. Composite resin helps to shape and polish the surrounding teeth. It is used to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored teeth. Cosmetic composite bonding lasts for several years. The procedure for dental bonding takes about thirty to sixty minutes per tooth. Anesthesia is not necessary unless the bonding is used for a decayed tooth. Following are the details of the process for a cosmetic composite bonding.
Examination of the Tooth
It is important to examine the affected tooth before the bonding. The cosmetic dentist will examine your mouth and tooth to check the affected area. The dentist checks the condition and the amount of bonding required for the condition of the tooth. The bonding required for the tooth depends upon the state of the tooth.
Selection of the Composite Color
The cosmetic dentist will select a composite color similar to your teeth color. The dentist will use the shade guide to resemble the color of the composite tooth with the rest of the teeth. The selection is essential as the composite bonding will be hardly noticeable in terms of the appearance.
Abrasion of the Tooth
After the color is chosen, the affected tooth is scraped. The surface of the impacted tooth will be etched to roughen it. The rough surface of the affected tooth will help the bonding better. After the tooth is roughened, it is coated with conditioning liquid. The conditioning liquid will help to stick the bonding material on the tooth.
Application of the Dental Composite
When the affected tooth is ready, the cosmetic dentist applies the putty-like resin on the mold. The composite tooth is molded and smoothened to its proper shape before it hardens. Ultraviolet light or laser is used to harden the composite. Once the composite tooth is hardened, the tooth is trimmed and shaped further. The tooth is then polished until it matches the rest of the teeth with the soft shine on its surface.
The term of your bonding of the tooth lasts on how much bonding was done and your oral habits. After the days of appointment, if your teeth feel strange while biting or notice sharp edges, it is important to consult your cosmetic dentist. If you live in Edmonton and need a cosmetic composite bonding for your teeth, you may visit your nearby dental clinic offering restorative dentistry.